See the difference! Phil Cranmer will serve Milton with integrity...

Phil Cranmer is the respected and trusted choice to stand up for what's right in Milton...

  • Phil will unequivocally oppose all rezonings that extends sewer. Period.

  • Phil will lead Hwy 9 and Deerfield revitalization with Milton-themed commercial development.

  • Phil will restore election integrity and strongly protect voting rights in Milton.

...the alternative has not worked for Milton with any integrity.

  • Rick Mohrig broke his previous campaign promises and voted multiple times for sewer extension that results in higher density development.

  • Rick Mohrig failed to lead when blight crept into his district along Highway 9 and Deerfield.

  • Rick Mohrig adamantly opposed adding a polling location in his own district and has continuously interfered in Milton’s 2023 elections.

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